Hybrid IQF Tunnel installed in Mexico



Travel throughout the UK and across the globe currently faces its challenges due to COVID lockdown restrictions, however Starfrost are able to support the global food industry and our overseas customer base with expert engineers and dedicated partners across the globe, providing support for all service, maintenance and project requirements.
One of our most recent international installations is a Hybrid tunnel for a meat manufacturer in Mexico. The 4 level multi-belt freezer has been designed to freeze sliced meat in trays and bags, including bacon and pork loin products.
We worked with the food processor to find a freezing solution that would allow the firm to upgrade from cold store freezing as well as increase capacity and diversify its production range.
The Hybrid tunnel will provide an automated IQF freezing process for our customer, reducing freezing times and streamlining operations in comparison to the previously used freezing method.
The compact freezer system delivers extremely rapid and effective freezing times and provides the ideal solution for food manufacturers looking to progress to a continuous freezing process or requiring an increase or diversity in production.
Starfrost remain committed to provide support to the global food industry, throughout COVID restrictions, we continue to adapt our working processes to ensure our site based teams are working in line with COVID working risk assessments and safe procedures.
If you would like to discuss an overseas cooling project, please contact our export sales team: contactus@starfrost.comT +44 (0) 1502 562206www.starfrost.com


Hybrid IQF Tunnel installed in Mexico